SftTree/OCX 7.0

SftTree.SetItemPictureImage Method

Softel vdm, Inc.

Defines the graphic displayed as an item's item graphic.

Deprecated - Provided for compatibility with earlier versions only - Use Item.Image.SetImageList instead



object.SetItemPictureImage(ByVal ItemIndex As Integer, ByVal ImgListObj As Object, ByVal ImgIndex As Short)


object.SetItemPictureImage(ByVal ItemIndex As Long, ByVal ImgListObj As Object, ByVal ImgIndex As Integer)


void object.SetItemPictureImage(int ItemIndex, object ImgListObj, short ImgIndex);


HRESULT object->SetItemPictureImage(long ItemIndex, LPDISPATCH ImgListObj, short ImgIndex);


HRESULT object->raw_SetItemPictureImage(long ItemIndex, LPDISPATCH ImgListObj, short ImgIndex);


procedure object.SetItemPictureImage(ItemIndex : Integer, ImgListObj : IDispatch, ImgIndex : Smallint);


A SftTree object.


The zero-based item index.


An ImageList control (supporting the IImageList interface).  This ImageList object contains the graphics used to display the item graphic.


The one-based index of the image in the ImageList control to be used as the item graphic.


Deprecated - Provided for compatibility with earlier versions only - Use Item.Image.SetImageList instead

The SetItemPictureImage method defines the graphic displayed as an item's item graphic.

The SetItemPictureImage method is used to override the default item graphic (defined using the Items.ItemImageExpandable, Items.ItemImageExpanded and Items.ItemImageLeaf properties) using an image from an ImageList control.  These default graphics must be defined for item graphics to be shown.

When using fixed height items (see Items.Style), all graphics used in a tree control as Item.Image, Items.ItemImageExpandable, Items.ItemImageExpanded and Items.ItemImageLeaf properties at the same time must be the same size (height and width).  The dimensions of the graphics are used to calculate the minimum dimension for items, so graphics used as Item.Image property are never clipped vertically.  To change the item graphic size, all item graphics must be removed first using the Items.ClearItemImages method.

When using variable height items (see Items.Style), the graphics used can be of varying size.  The item height is adjusted automatically, so graphics are never clipped vertically.

The ImgListObj parameter can be set to the value Nothing (NULL), which restores the default graphic.

The ItemImageAlign property can be used to align item graphics on lower levels with higher level cells.

See Also  SftTree Object | Object Hierarchy

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